Download discworld map
Download discworld map

download discworld map

The story of the game is on the canvas of Terry Pratchett's books about the fantasy world, called Sleeping Beauty.

download discworld map

The game was released for PCs, Macintosh and PlayStation and Sega Saturn consoles. Resources are fairly sparse, although each civilisation starts with a "legendary start". Discworld (also known as Discworld: The Trouble With Dragons), a point and click game released in 1995 by Psygnosis.

download discworld map

There are no starting positions for city states, so you may want to play without them or they might steal all the good city spots. Recently, I was disappointed how there weren't any high resolution images of the Discworld Mapp as drawn by Stephen Player, or at least none that I could find that were of a high enough resolution where every bit of the map's detail and labels could easily be read, in addition to how these maps retained the crease marks from. The roads of ankh-morpork and the river ankh drawn in a world painter map 1:1 scale for anyone who would like to build ankh-morpork world painter file so you need to have worlpainter and export it to minecraft map have fun with it. The map is designed to be played with 8 players, although it is a large map (default 10 players). Download from, and simply put the file into your Documents, My Games, Sid Meier's Civilization 5, MODS, Random Start Position (will have to create this folder). Note: You will need to install Whoward's Random Start position mod, else you will always start on the Howondaland starting hex. Todas las marcas registradas pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños en EE. The starting points available are as follows: Ankh-morpork, Krull, Uberwald, Al Khali (capital of Klatch), Borogravia (although this was moved slightly, so as to not be so close to Uberwald), Howondaland, Hunghung (Agatean empire capital) and Bugarup (Fourecks capital). A semi-accurate representation of Terry Pratchet's discworld, although the counterweight continent is a bit squashed.

Download discworld map